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A glimpse into the symptoms of MS.
( Part 1)

Living with MS – Field Report – An insight into symptoms in MS disease. My life with Multiple Sclerosis  by Ina B. How the mobility aid Wheellator supports me to remain self-determined mobile.

Living with MS - Field Report

My life with MS by Ina B.
How the mobility aid Wheellator supports me to remain self-determined mobile.

An alternative to the rollator and wheelchair.

Are you looking for a mobility aid that makes you feel safe?

You want to remain self-determined mobile, even if you have a gait restriction. The Wheellator is an alternative to the rollator and wheelchair. Find out what the Wheellator can do for you, too. Read the Multiple Sclerosis Experience Report: Living with MS by Ina B.

Living with multiple sclerosis and a spasticity is hard work, but it's also an honor.

I am Ina B. and live in Hesse, Germany, I am 52 years old.
I have been struggling with MS symptoms and the disease since 2014.

My first MS symptoms, how it all started?

I noticed that I could hardly walk anymore. I found it especially difficult to cope when climbing stairs. I had to lift my legs to make progress.

Exercises that are helpful in MS. So I started to learn to walk again “new” with physiotherapy and a lot of training. However, this took more than 2 years.

How to cope with MS disease and its symptoms?

Every year 1-2 symptoms were added, such as balance problems and bladder problems. In addition, paralysis, fatigue, etc. Which recede somewhat, but never completely go away.

Living with MS common side effects of multiple sclerosis.

Unfortunately, I got a spasticity in the summer of 2017, which makes me very difficult. This is where my main problem began, because due to this my ability to walk is becoming more and more limited.

How does living with MS affect privacy and leisure?

A big challenge was to be exposed to the judgments of my peers. Which often led to not leaving the house when I was feeling worse.
It was always a matter of thinking, can I cope with this or not? That is, to go as short distances as possible. Otherwise, to have to plan more time for longer distances, etc.

Living well with MS doing the right thing.

Since I live alone and care for my animals, independently, this is a big challenge. Which is only manageable with many breaks.

How you can improve the quality of life in MS?

I was looking for options that could support me in continuing to do my tasks. The rollators I was looking at were all unsuitable. Since I would fall by the balance disturbances at best with the product.

Also, I just wanted to be able to get around independently in an emergency. With spasticity, a break is not much use, it often lasts too long. Better said, I would then have to ask someone to pick me up. Also my size of 154 was included.

You have a limitation in your movement?
But want to continue to move safely. Request our free consultation.

What people with MS should know about the disease?

My question was, how can I find an aid that integrates well into my existing life? My skepticism was that in the countryside and partly in cities little attention is paid to disabilities. There are ways, which however often mean a detour, or hurdles that are not or hardly hardly manageable.

Helping people to help themselves the Wheellator is an alternative to the rollator and wheelchair.

By buying the Wheellator, I walk very straight on the one hand. On the other hand, I don’t have to compensate as much as I usually do when walking. Thus, I have less pain and compensation misalignments. The innovative Wheellator is an alternative to the rollator and wheelchair. It offers me several possibilities to support a more active life.
I can walk as far as I can manage. At the same time I can bring myself back home. Either in a sitting position like in a wheelchair, or by walking with the support of my arms on the large handrims.

The MS Wheellator stay mobile with safety.

I have also come to appreciate the safety all around. For example, the fall inclination to the rear, which thus does not lead to a fall. The small turning circle on the Wheellator is easy to turn on its own axis. I like that a lot. Because even in tighter situations, such as hallways, elevators and more, I am very flexible.

Wheellator the MS rollator -wheelchair -combination

Breaks are possible at any time, whether on the road as a wheelchair. Or simply at the countertop in the kitchen. Tripping is a great way to do it. Umso, to get a relief of the legs. At the same time to train the muscle strength.

Wheellator an MS mobility aid that accompanies you safely through everyday life.

As a rollator, I can easily by lifting on the backrest, thus overcome obstacles. The Wheellator is the perfect aid for my MS symptoms in everyday life.

Wheellator an MS mobility aid that accompanies you safely through everyday life.

I can easily overcome obstacles by lifting the rollator by the backrest. The Wheellator is the perfect aid for my MS symptoms in everyday life.

The MS walker Wheellator, which helps you to walk independently again.

With the Wheellator, I can pay attention to my needs and respond to them. Thus, I also get a lot of freedom of self-determination.

A life with MS.
We know that you are worth feeling good about.
The perception and well-being by the environment are therefore very important.

It is also obvious today that there is a handicap. Which means that I am no longer too often exposed to the judgments of my fellow human beings.
Planning is much easier today, because I have, so to speak, everything with me that supports me. I like the fact that I have an all-rounder. Which I can continue to adapt to my needs. Here at this point many thanks to the Wheellator manufacturer. Who made it possible to get a MS aid like the Wheellator.
I can only recommend the Wheellator for people with MS. Because I can maintain my independence to a large extent and other helpers are relieved.

With warm regards Ina.

What do we stand for as a rollator manufacturer at Tukimet OY?

As a rollator manufacturer at Tukimet OY, we stand for every person being able to move safely! More precisely, because movement is one of the most important basic elements for life.

With a focus on the needs of end users

we develop and produce high-quality products that make everyday life easier for people and their relatives. Our products not only create a better quality of life, but they also ensure that people can be more personally independent and take more personal responsibility for every step they take.

Movement – Independence – Safety – Quality of life
  • What does it mean for people to be able to move safely, independently and at the same time increase their quality of life?
  • A safe movement has served for survival for thousands of years! In contrast, a bad movement led to great dangers and even death.
  • In other words, a safe movement means life, to have self-determined control over oneself.
  • Likewise, life means interacting with other people in society.
  • Going to town with them while being an important part in the family and society.
  • Being able to independently manage independence and quality of life, challenges and inconveniences in movement.  This means to be able to live a happy vital life, until old age, enjoying quality of life with friends and family.
We are open to new ideas and reforms

invest in joint university projects. We see through the eyes and hear through the ears of the customer and are always interested in learning about the wishes and needs of impaired people. Our vision is to create new things and fulfill wishes that help people on their way to more mobility and independence.

We invest in the future.

With state-of-the-art machinery and our high quality standards, we guarantee safe and durable products that prove themselves in everyday use.

We have high quality standards.

and are proud of the fact that our walking aids carry the key label “MADE IN FINLAND”. The key label distinguishes us from competitors and shows our customers and consumers that Tukimet Oy not only focuses on quality, durability and sustainability, but also creates and maintains regional jobs.

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